Friday, August 12, 2016

After our adventure through the air from LA through muggy Mosc stayed at a German hotel and saw our first burka, on a fellow traveller with gold bracelets.

We drove to northern Germany through rolling green hills and little red roofed villages, each with it's own church.

Brilon was so lovely, rainy on and off with beautiful big clouds and fresh air, ancient sturdy farmhouses and the best part: our friends from my stay in 1981. They seemed not changed a bit as far as I could tell, though the two girls are no longer 9 and 12 but rather married with children, all really delightful, intelligent people who spoke excellent English and were the most loving hosts.  Somehow they squeezed 19 people into their home, with attention to the tiniest details of our comfort.   The kids were pretty off-kilter from the time change, so we did a lot of lying around, but went to a fun concert in the town square in the evening, and also looked inside the Propsteikirche, built in the 1200's.  It has deep grooves on the outside pillars from sword sharpening during the various wars.

We are ' resting' today from our 10 hour drive to Trumau from Brilon.  We were welcomed by Gemma, Rosie, Joseph and Rosalie, who prepared the flat with flowers and beds all ready, and full to the brim with travel stories.  And puns.  Well that part is Joseph. This morning we went to a "Grossheurige", a festival where one can try out all the local "new " wines, to which Pater Edmund Waldstein invited us after Mass at the little church here. Laterwe walked a little distance from our flat to a creek to go swimmming (very cold) and for further rest Gemma and Rosalie are immitating crazy dancing rabbis from a movie they saw in Poland.

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